Snapchat, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook. These are just a few names of countless social media platforms that have uprisen in the past few decades. The younger generations as well as the older have seen obvious changes stemming from the growth of these new methods of communication. In fact, “approximately 77 percent of all Americans have a social media profile of some kind” (Mammoser). Social media obviously holds many benefits, but with these positives come inherent dangers. Social media has led to an increase in cyberbullying, it has uprooted depression and loneliness amongst adolescents, and it has made child predation much more common.
Since social media has seen its drastic skyrocket in popularity, so has cyberbullying. This is self-explanatory, because before the creation of social media platforms, there has been no place for cyber bullying to occur. However, that does not excuse what is going on online where most parents and adults are incapable of seeing it. Online harassments and harsh words have been being exchanged in all different ways. However, “Over 25 percent of adolescents and teens have been bullied repeatedly through their cell phones or the Internet” (Bullying Statistics). This is a scary statistic, stating that one in four teens are being repeatedly bullied via social media. Furthermore, “about [half] of adolescents have engaged in cyberbullying online” (Bullying Statistics). Therefore, about three in every four teenagers have either experienced or instigated cyber bullying through social media. This is just one of the many reasons why it is harmless and inherently dangerous to teenagers.
To continue, social media has led to an uproar in depression and loneliness. Students conducted a research study at the University of Pennsylvania, linking the causes of depression to social media. The research study consisted of interviews of 143 students at UPenn, with questions being asked about their mental health and how much they use social media platforms such as Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook. According to that study, “The results were clear: The group that used less social media, even though it wasn’t completely eliminated, had better mental health outcomes” (Mammoser). The results of the study clearly display that there is a correlation between happiness levels and the amount of time spent on social media.
Finally, the creation of social media has brought forth an increase in child predation and sexual assault. According to Ernie Allen, the CEO of the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, “Predators are hiding behind the anonymity of the Internet to target kids, to entice kids online-- to try to persuade them to meet in the physical world” (Internet Safety 101). Social media has made it so much easier for child predators and kidnappers to get access to children. Through “public accounts” and “direct messages”, anyone can see anyone’s page or even send them private messages. In fact, “The number of sexual assault cases related to social media sites has increased by about 300%” (Social Media Statistics). This statistic is severely alarming. The uprise of social media has brought forth an immediate and staggering increase in sexual assault cases.
Despite a drastic increase in cyberbullying, mental health issues, and child predation and sexual assault, social media is still glorified and widely used. Many people don’t realize the alarming statistics that fall hand in hand with social media. It is not only destructive mentally, but it is also dangerous physically. Although social media may seem great and harmless on the surface, a deeper look will reveal that it, amongst all other things, is flawed.
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